Arbitrary Statistics


I'm a data geek! Why not! These are mostly statistics I've been collecting since the beginning of 2012 about things that I am particularly interested in. There are some more cool numbers from the Tour D'AFrique here.

Hours Slept

7.4 Hours

Biscuits Eaten

1.2 Biscuits
413.5 Biscuits

Distance Cycled

1.6 Miles
537.975 Miles


20TH MAR 2012
67.9 KGs


05TH JUL 2012
Dislocation of right shoulder (putting a hoody on)
28TH DEC 2011
Dislocation of right shoulder (worst physio ever)
16TH NOV 2011
Concussion and fractured left patella (collision with a car)
08TH SEP 2011
Dislocation of right shoulder (stretching at desk)
23RD APR 2011
Dislocation of right shoulder (rolled over in bed)
05TH MAR 2010
Concussion (overtaking fail in Ethiopia)
15TH DEC 2009
Dislocation of right shoulder (landed a ski jump badly)
23RD DEC 2007
Dislocation of right shoulder (hit by a wave in the sea)
15TH DEC 2007
Dislocation of right shoulder (slid into a tree mountain biking)
15TH JUN 2007
Dislocation of right shoulder (tux caught in front bicycle wheel)
20TH MAR 2007
Break of right metatarsal (attempted a drop on mtb)
01ST MAY 2005
Break of left humerus (landed a mtb jump badly)
25TH NOV 2004
Dislocation of right shoulder (drive train broke on mtb)